History of the Elks Lodge

Fort Smith Elks Lodge #341 is the local lodge of the national, non-profit organization The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (B.P.O.E.). #341 is the oldest Lodge in the state of Arkansas. The Elks have many ties to historical events of our nation, contributing to charitable works and the betterment of their communities.

Our members enjoy fellowship with one another, collaborate to bring good works to the community, and give of themselves through volunteerism.

We focus our good works on our nation's youth, our Veterans, family and community events, thereby fostering a sense of extended family, patriotism and charity. If you are interested in meeting our local 'family' of Elks, and learning more about who we are, what we do, and why we love it... then we cordially invite you to visit us on our Friday Family Nights for dinner and fellowship. The Lodge is normally open at 5pm on Fridays and is usually open at 5 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well.

Elks Lodge #341 Officers 

Exalted Ruler - Jerry 'Skip' Bollin
Leading Knight - Sheila Amos
Loyal Knight - Greg Vanderpluym
Lecturing Knight - Remona Crowden
Esquire - Sue Arter

Secretary - Cheryl Higginbotham
Treasurer - Tina Chavis
Chaplain - Tracy McNabb
Inner Guard - Shannon Seyler
Tiler - Bobby Page

House Chairman - Bobby Hopkins
Board Of Directors Chair - Sheila Amos
Trustee 1 year - Don Chavis
Trustee 2 year - Charles Cherosky
Trustee 3 year - Donna Sims